Practical considerations in medical cannabis administration and dosing (pdf)
DownloadMedical cannabis and the human body (pdf)
DownloadMedical cannabis for the treatment of pain (pdf)
Downloadcannabinoids and non cancer pain treatment (pdf)
Downloadcannabinoids and medical use a review (pdf)
Downloadtherapeutic potential of cannabinoids (pdf)
Downloadmedical cannabis and fibromyalgia (pdf)
DownloadMedical Cannabis and neurodegenerative diseases (pdf)
DownloadCopyright © 2017 Maryland Medicinal, LLC - All Rights Reserved. These statements are not supported by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Use of medical cannabis for medical treatment is only a recommendation for certain ailments and not a prescription for appropriate healthcare. Make sure you consult a healthcare professional before starting medical cannabis. Maryland Medicinal, LLC does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substance Act.